World Juniors Marketing

The campaign’s emotional story is based on the promise of a fun & raucous, hockey experience.

17.2 million Canadians watch the World Juniors from the comfort of their living room.


The client needed to convert those TV watchers, into ticket buyers. After reviewing research on hockey fans, the creative team brainstormed slogan ideas, and I selected a visual theme.


The engaging campaign was expertly applied to hundreds of different materials, helping to exceed ticket sale targets.

  • Client

    Hockey Canada

  • Role

    Art Director

Phase 1


Geo-target mobile ad – Sent to everyone with an active mobile device, who attended a World Cup of Hockey game at the Air Canada Centre.

Phase 2


Google ads – Text ad displayed at the top of a search.

Content marketing – An email sent to World Junior subscribers, providing them with valuable tournament content and a small WJC ad.

Phase 3

Venue signage

This signage helps to create the fun atmosphere promised by the marketing.

Applied to digital & print signage across two NHL arenas; the Bell Centre in Montreal and the Air Canada Centre in Toronto.